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Boston Women's Film Festival Fall Showcase

  • September 23, 2023
  • September 25, 2023
  • Museum of Fine Arts, Boston

Join the Boston Women’s Film Festival and MFA Film for a showcase of award-winning new films by emerging filmmakers from around the globe. The sun-drenched Croatian thriller Murina follows a teenage girl plotting to escape her domineering father and the remote island where they work as eel divers; the smart Spanish horror flick Piggy shows us a teen who finds the strength to vanquish a psychopathic stalker in spite of her peers’ bullying. Clara Sola is a surreal Costa Rican drama about a woman with mystical gifts who longs to be free of her strict religious family. And the acclaimed French film Happening follows a college student in the 1960s who risks jail and worse for the sake of her budding future when she becomes pregnant. See these stories and more in this celebration of women and their strength.

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